
♦ Dương Huỳnh Thảo My ♦

Sales Engineer ANS Vietnam

PHONE   “+84 938.140.396

Delta Sensor VIỆT NAM


The Rota-Sonde DC4500F is a special version of the scanning hot metal detector DC4500, designed to reduce the sensitivity to flames at the tail of the tubes during the manufacturing operations. It is equipped with a special optical filter optimized to filter the radiation of the flames and improve the accuracy of the detection.
The emission wavelength of flames depends on the material burnt, so it’s important to adjust sensitivity in order to detect tubes and not flames. This is easy thanks to the control panel and bargraph that display level of signal and threshold setup.



  • Easy alignment of the sensor with integrated laser line.
  • Easy setup with integrated LED bargraphs.
  • Extensive diagnostic features including alarm and low detection margin signals.
  • Easy maintenance: quick access to window glass, rapid exchange of the sensor.
  • High detection accuracy thanks to the narrow lateral field.
  • Specially adapted for the harsh environment of the steel industry.
  • Direct replacement of previous DELTA models Rota-Sonde DC2000F and DC4000F.